Noelle Marie Falcis

Noelle Marie Falcis (she/her) is a creative and academic that has centered her work around the intersection of narrative and performative praxis. Most interested in visionary re-memory and re-imagination of histories and, therefore, futures, she purses storytelling through fictive writing and movement artistry. She uses these dual forms to better understand the diasporic, decolonizing life, and how these factors inform her identity as a Filipina-American. Her fiction holds mythologic and folkloric elements of her heritage and tends to be grounded in both the desert and city landscapes in which she grew up. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies and literary magazines such as Seventh Wave Literary, Kartika Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, VIDA: Women in Literary Arts, amongst others. She is an alumna of the Los Angeles Review of Book's Publishing Workshop, VONA Voices, and Tin House Workshop. She is the founder of Gunita Collective, a multidisciplinary artists' group centered upon personal and communal memory. 

Offered Piece: the series of immersion activities and guided practices informed, designed, and structure from the lessons inherent within the artists’ pieces offered, these exercises were designed to guide us toward individual and communal meditation and mindfulness when exploring the depths of our histories, our cultures, our ancestors, and our shared waters. / @whatabless__nmf


Kiki Rivera