Melodie Turori

Melodie Turori was born in Aotearoa and raised on Luiseño/Payómkawichum land in California. She is descended from the peoples of Aitutaki, Pukapuka, Sweden, and Germany. Through film, audio, poetry, and textile-based works, her research and multidisciplinary practice explores intergenerational layers of identity, relationships, and theology from the context of the Oceanic diaspora on Turtle Island. 

Offered Piece: Ko ‘ai koe?, a poem and meditation on ko ‘ai koe, who are you? that gathers her own familial story and history just as it opens space to allow its readers to consider theirs. The piece places the individual within community, and within community, the individual becomes capable of finding a sense of home. / @melodieturori


Stevie Merino


JP / Jason Pereira